Gregory, I am concerned by the following line in you post -
"The important thing to key in on is they are only going to challenge the reported
domains that ARE NOT CHALLENGED!!!"
You say "the reported domains" - will you please
advise whether Afilias is undertaking its own check of its register for fraudulent
Sunrise applications, or is Afilias doing nothing and going to leave the checking
work to the agrieved Landrush/Sunrise applicants who then have to advise Afilias
before Afilias does anything.
This is a very important point, as I feel Afilias
and ICANN will be judged to be wholy responsible for the sad events which have occurred
to date, and should Afilias now not act in a responsible manner and be actively playing
a role in achieving an equitable solution to the problem which it caused, then it
will be defenceless at a later date.
I may have misunderstood your sentence's meaning.
I hope so. Many of us are exhausted and we have only begun the check of the
Sunrise registrations.
Please advise that Afilias is doing everything it can
- doing its own checking - to make amends and to win some credibility.