I hope you are being ironic.
He has indeed pointed to the .info fiasco as evidence that ICANN needs to go slowly
as they test for various "proof of concepts." In the end, the problems the Internet
community is suffering right now could have been avoided with an ounce of common
sense. The foresight required to avoid TM fraud is laughably small. I don't know
of any sure-fire way to effectively verify mass TM claims; however, instituting a
system whereby there is NO verification process is a no-brainer. Fraud was bound
to occur. "Wow," says Lynn. "Who would have thought? See --
aren't you glad we went slowly. Now we have MORE reason to go slowly."
Lynn, you are pathetic. You are a control freak, a tyrant and a liar, trying
to hide an elephant behind a palm tree.
I'm sorry. Was I being
critical? Shame on me.