Things would change in a heart
beat. I don't think the morons that are filing these fraudulent claims realize
that there are criminal offenses for claiming to have a TM when you don't.
A Trademark is looked upon as a very important economic tool for any economy.
This is my opinion but it is no different then printing phony money. By counterfeiting
you are telling someone that the money you present is real, and for them to accept
it blindly.I am not certain why Afilias isn't treating the most obvious abuses
of the Sunrise as potential criminal cases. Also there should be no "challenging"
of the obvious ones. In fact if you register a dot com and do not provide correct
information, the domain can and will be taken from you. It says so in the agreement.
Not sure why they are even recogizing the bogus filings.
Afilias....Post something
on your website (and all registrars) that it is a criminal offense to fraudelent
file a document that says you have a TM, when you don't. I bet that would stop
some of the crap that is happening now.