waiting and praying for this thing to die down. If the
pressure keeps up and especially if it gets more intense they may come up with another
remedy but they rather not. Lets face it, vast majority of the protests and calls
for action are coming from the folks who'd invested heavily in the landrush pre-registrations
and these folks are commonly called "speculators". I personally don't have any problems
with this (since I am one of them and in my view this is a distinctly different group
from "cybersquatters") but the fact is that many "authorities" and "ordinary folks"
don't carry much sympathy for this group and it's activities and often consider them
in the same league as cybersquatters (which in my opinion is a gross misunderstanding).
the point is that although I see a lot of activity on this particular site the subject
is unfortunately quietening down in other popular domain-related forums such as New.net
and Afternic as well as internet-related news sites. I'm afraid that this "quietening"
will grow after the sunrise period is over in about a week. And, this is exactly
what Icann and Afilias are hoping and waiting for. Besides this forum, the most influential
step so far has been the creation of the www.theinternetchallenge.com...since it
provides a very powerful visual image of the extent of Afilias's incompetency and
messup. I congratulate Richard Hendersen for this and hope that it pays off.
I'd opine that short of some sort of legal action, there is probably not much hope
that Icann and Afilias would have much incentive to correct their wrongs. I'm not
sure how practical is a legal challenge and what are the chances of it's success
at this point in time; may be folks like Gary Korn have a more informed take on this...One
thing is for sure and that is....This mess is going to be around for quite some time
now and only time will tell how many of us who have "lives other than this" can perservere
to hang in there...
HEARTEDLY WISH FOR ITS SUCCESS (although some may see me as part of the problem since
my own name is on the "culprit" list !!!!)