Thank you to everyone who keeps sending in names which they would like looked at.
My target was to get 1000 by the weekend and at the moment there's 700. I've listed
a lot of the ones coming in, on the Alphabetical page, which is also quite a useful
guide for thinking which other ones might be looked up.If you want to try to explain
to people the nature of the problem, just show them the fully detailed page, where
pink boxes refer to queries or problems.
The more hours I spend on this task, the
more I feel like someone on the Titanic trying to empty out water with a bucket.
During the week that I've been working on this, thousands more names seem to have
been claimed.
I have another concern and that is that false applicants may well
try to change their WHOIS details to mask their deception, now they know they're
under scrutiny. When are they allowed to do that, and can a record be kept by Afilias
or anyone else of their original claims and Trademark numbers etc?
My thanks to
everyone for name-spotting, and please help me reach 1000 if you get any time in
the next few days. It's only the tip of the iceberg.