>We all know just about every word under the sun is trademarkedTrue
that most of the top names that get grabbed in the sunrise
>and the landrush
period will never be used by the first owners, they will be sold on as fast a possible,
would say most will be sold, but not all. I have kept several of mine for personal
>what a merry-go-round we have here, Afternic must be rubbing their hands
with glee.
My argument is that we should be allowed to use these words for
whatever reason we wish.
Should Woolwich.co.uk be allowed my WoolwichSucks.co.uk
domain? I believe they defrauded me and thousands of others, by using misleading
marketing and giving false claims for endowment mortgages.
Should WIPO.org be allowed
my WIPO.org.uk? Reasons for this domain you all know (hopes).
If I thought of it
first, a good marketing idea for a business (e.g. to find best buys); should I have
to give up SEARCH.info?
If multi-national corporations - right down to small businesses,
can make money for their Intellectual Property - why can't the people.