The whole system is corrupt - right to the very top - to the United States Department
of Commerce.Those with logical mind will see this - those that cannot are either
niave (without explaination) or cannot grasp the whole situation.
All words are
trademarked - common and generic words, words that we all use every day.
To stop
(through failed UDRP or, as suggested, in Sunrise) generic word trademarks using
their mark on the Internet is against 'unfair competition' - They still have the
same legal rights as Kodak etc. - why should they be stopped?
Like I have said
- Sunrise is fatally flawed (along with UDRP) - closed TLDs is the answer.
is only one logical, fair and equitable solution -
can still use [name].com (.info .biz etc) - just forward to .REG
It will avoid
'consumer confusion', 'trademark conflict' problems and to stop anybody 'passing
Nobody can deny this - not one single person - because it is indisputable
There can be only one conclussion - US authorities and big business want
to abridge your rights to use these words on the Internet - they say b*ll*cks to
the First Amendment.
It is proof of corruption.