With regard to recent comments about "being careful flagging what names you wanted"
and "don't waste your time - Afilias and the Sunshine squatters will win" - all I
can say is that these comments are probably true - however - I think that unless
those of us touched most by the events of the Afilias .info rollout do something
- then why should we expect someone else to do the dirty work for us. Afilias
and ICANN are effectively the same entity with their common membership - both deaf
- both blind - both apparently corrupted - as evidenced by their recent actions and
lack of action.
Afilias and some of the registrar members of ICANN are enjoying
a golden harvest - at the expense of the Landrushers - and it sure as hell doesn't
feel good from where I am sitting.
Posters can contribute by making their posts
This fight won't be over until the Landrushers get a fair shake and/or
those who orchestrated and sanctioned the Afilias rollout are in the big house and
there is a shake-out of ICANN so this sad and sorry affair is never repeated.