"All you do is keep posting
the same unworkable proposal over without any change and calling it 'revised'."Response:
A number of people have said that there are differences between the original DomeBase
proposal and this one. If many feel like you do I will be glad to cut down
on my posts. I have been active because I believe that this is a critical time
window for constructive action before Land Rush... which will be closed in a manner
of days. A number of key folks have said that the proposal is interesting and
some support it. I am not sure why it would be unworkable... at least any more
unworkable than what is currently unfolding.
"Afilias already has a mechanism (which
we all agree is not perfect) in place which is superior to anything you have to offer."
What mechanism are you refering to? How it is superior in addressing, say,
the concerns of those who pre-registered for the Land Rush period.
have not been able to address the issue of closed registrar lists which will lead
to an even worse fraud."
Response: True. How would you address this issue?
"A mistake was made by Afilias in the way this sunrise was rolled out and there
should not have even been a sunrise in the first place."
Response: These are two
different statements. The first is an empirical statement, the second is a
conceptual one. It is difficult to empirically evaluate the validity of the
second statement given the first. If you believe that any sunrise is a bad
idea, you do not need any empirical evidence pro or con. You should also oppose
my proposal and bank on the whole sunrise mess blowing up and opinion turning against
IP interests. This will mean, though, that the Land Rush pre-registrants become
the sacrificial lambs to achieve your policy objectives.
"What you don't seem
to comprehend is that Afilias is a for-profit business. They do not want to (or be
expected to) deal with all these administrative complications that will slow down
the path for .info to
become a well recognized domain."
Response: If you look
at my arguments for why Afilias should adopt the DomeBase proposal, you will see
that they involve saving money (both challenge fees and admin costs) and avoiding
headache. These are both objectives which a for-profit organization would value.
I may be dense in many ways, but I think I do comprehend that Afilias is a for-profit