Elvis, after the Cyber War, these are the war crimes that Afilias will answer for:1.
ICANN advises customers not to pay registrars for pre-registration. The registrars
on the Afilias Board ignore ICANN guidelines and go ahead and charge customers nevertheless.
No procedures are set in place for vetting ineligible applications at Sunrise. Names
are registered which are dated 2040, Trademark Numbered 11111111111 etc.
3. Afilias
CEO Hal Lubsen's own company Domain Bank submits 100 names for William Lorenz, none
of which have TM numbers. Hal Lubsen's company Afilias then registers these names.
Both parties accept the money.
4. Afilias have the contractual right, granted by
ICANN, to delete names at Afilias's discretion - and specifically where inaccurate
details have been filed - but they refuse to do so.
5. They refuse to do so, even
when requested to do so by the applicants themselves who seek to redress their errors.
According to Heather Carle of Afilias, "registrar reservations" are "hand-checked"
but Afilias still reserves 'Nudes.info' and 'Bankruptcy.info' for Signature Domains,
'Oklahoma.info' and 'Webhosting' for Catalog.com, 'YourBra.info' for Name Zero, 'Piracy.info'
for Name Engine, 'Earn.info' for Corporate Domains, 'German.info' for Board Member
Govinda Leopold, and 'FortKnox.info' for Afilias CEO Hal Lubsen.
7. They refuse
to delete these when challenged.
8. Afilias is presented with a workable solution,
the Domebase solution, which would protect everyone's interests. They refuse to implement
9. Board members are involved in fraudulent claims themselves. Govinda Leopold's
company, 1stDomainNet, is caught out filing fake trademark numbers for Hawaii.info,
Maui.info, and Govinda.info
10. They refuse to delete these when challenged, even
though the fraud denies paying customers access to these names at Landrush. The Board
Members get in first by breaking their own rules.
11. Afilias continues to accept
business from companies that have told customers they can break the Sunrise rules,
and a company that filled in the false numbers for its customers hundreds of times,
as well as filling in false numbers for its own claims.
12. Through the entire
Sunrise period and beyond, DomainBank, the company of the Afilias CEO Hal Lubsen,
continues to charge non-refundable fees for names which it says are "Available",
even though they have been registered already.
13. Multiple applications are accepted
and registered, from registrars in their own names and companies, even though these
applications contravene the ICANN contract, and hundreds of them have false trademark
14. Afilias continue to do business with these companies, who remain 'accredited'.
doubt more war-crimes will be submitted in due course.
I honestly think the Afilias
Board would be wise to sue for peace, and adopt the Domebase proposal, because these
are going to end up in the courts, guaranteed. Prosecutors are already working on
PS there is also the simple human issue of decency
How can you
treat people like this?