But those who want a story will find plenty to write about, all I am interested in
seeing is fairness. Can you say this roll out process is benefiting the law
abiding or the speculators. You have stated in previous posts this roll out will
benefit the speculators. Quite true, it has. They now have the most valuable
names, this is not fair on those who have paid money to que for these names in the
landrush. If these speculators were to have waited for the landrush and took their
chances with everyone else, goodluck to them. If people wish to sell domains
once they have legally bought them, that should not concern us. For the record, I
don't need to stand up for the afternic crowd, many of them would not like my help
nor would I share a beer with many of them. But most of those who have invested
money in a lottery they cannot win wish to hold on to their domains for business
purposes. They are not name speculators. To be fair to Afilias, they
have said they will do something about the problem of false trademark grabbers, forgive
me for being cynical but the scale is so huge I can't see how they can. My real anger
is directed at ICANN, they are the architects of this shambles, they never
listen, they never will. I will shut up when someone holds them to account
for their decisions that increasingly benefit big corporations and disenfranchise
the ordinary internet users.
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