We have a poster who, apparently by his tone and content, believes that he is God's
gift - and that the rest of us know jack shit - he sure as hell takes every
opportunity to tell us so.I had guessed that he is a slow reader - but it has
taken him 3 days and 13 minutes to find and reply to Bhavin's post of his analysis
of the Sunrise fiasco.
This is what the little turd has written:
"Yeah Right
You really expect people to believe that half the generic words in the english
language have been registered by less than 20 people. I'll bet you a million dollars
your wrong. Very wrong indeed. The only conclusion I can draw is you are uneducated
and incompetent."
Have you guessed who it is? Yes. It's little Pauly.
- I am talking to you - so sit still and look at me when I am talking to you.
Some nights ago I gave you a kicking for repeatedly being silly. I told you
that you were contributing nothing to this site, other than frustration and annoyance.
You then visited my most recent postings and daubed the walls with your childish
graffiti - continuing to miss the point of my and others postings - and proving my
point that you are a class fuckwit.
Now Pauly, I respond to idiocy the same way
I do to evidence of racism, of cruelty, of senseless environmental degradation -
violently - I am not perfect - so I revisited one of your little heaps of stinking
faeces - and gave you another kicking. I know you read slow - so to give me
the satisfaction of knowing that you have read it before you become roadkill, I am
going to save you time and tell you where to find it - my now old posting is called
skateboarding tragedy.
Best regards