In reading the latest update on the status of the new
TLDs, it is now apparent (from the section titled "Way Forward for .pro and
.coop") that RegistryPro and NCBA are either unwilling or unable to execute
on the applications that they proposed last year. In fairness to the applicants
who were not selected for the testbed, ICANN should not allow an applicant
to promise one thing in the application and then seek, in ICANN's words, "significant
changes" when it comes time to execute. To the extent that RegistryPro and
NCBA are unable to go forward on the business and technical plans in the
.pro and .coop applications approved by the Board, ICANN might consider allowing
some of the "runners-up" to take their place in the testbed. NextDNS, one of
the participants in the .iii application that was the "first runner up" in
the selection process, is ready, willing and able to execute on the plan that
it proposed, and if accepted into the testbed could be operational in time
to assist with the meaningful evaluation of new TLDs. NextDNS would be pleased
to take RegistryPro's place in the testbed as an unsponsored TLD registry. Bret
Fausett Counsel to NextDNS