HAHAHAHA*points and laughs at slicer*
see, i TOLD you they wouldn't ban jesus
for nuthin!
you dumb fuckfaces are so caught up on the insults flung around this
joint that you miss all of the legitimate points that those of us do "flame" raise.
back and read everyone of slicer's posts. i'm willing to bet (while admittedly i
haven't read them all) that despite the insults, there is indeed valid arguementation
(and YOU don't have the right to determine what the subjective definition of constructive
should be) included. in fact, often times, the insults serve to further the arguementation.
know what i think this is? fuckin' discrimination. maybe i should call your fat ass
on that? you want to ban one of the few (and the loudest) voices of reason that supports
i've been here a whole day and he's the ONLY person i've seen that speaks
out in favor of it.
i see right through this; get rid of him and you can bash
ICANN all day long with no reprocussions. admit it and absolve your sin.
ahh fuck
it. you people take yourselves way too seriously around here.
slicer: build a boat.
i'm flooding the forum for 40 days and 40 nights now.