From article, on the .biz lottery;
-----A spokesperson for ICANN, Mary Hewitt, agreed
that registrar confusion might be to blame. “The registrars ... could be doing it
(still charging for names unobtainable) due to a lack of
knowledge,” she said.
“They shouldn’t be doing it, but there
could be a myriad of reasons why.”
Now ICANN is making
excuses for registrars. May I be so bold
as to add that these registrars knew
DAMN WELL the names
were unavailable. I guess Network Solutions and
has taken corrective action) will be scurrying to destroy
any evidence showing
they DID IN FACT KNOW what names
were reserved by NeuLevel...
Its important we know where we stand with ICANN
on this
issue. I would assume
there will be no investigation.
ICANN should concern themselves with small businesses and
consumers, not lobbying with big-money registrars...