Besides the fact that the author of the presentation (Professor Froomkin )
is a Professor of Law at U. of Miami and actively teaches Internet, Trademark, and
Intellectual Property Law ... my original point was that there are many others, who
do not participate in these forums that feel this way.There is not greater proof
of this than what happened during the At-Large election. The general public expressed
their dissapproval and distrust of ICANN when they elected persons who were openly
anti ICANN during the At-Large election process to the board of directors.
Maybe this slide presentation was designed to be displayed with accompanying lecture
material (in which the assertions were defended), but somehow I doubt that.
doubt that too.
>> The ICANN process of meetings has not changed
and is not going to change- why would it? If it DOES change, it will be at the whims
of ICANN. You know that as well as I do, now deal with it.
I agree
and didn't say anything to the contrary.
>> Every day in this
country, two sets of lawyers go up against each other arguing over who's right and
wrong- and usually the lawyers fighting for the wrong know it. Of course, they act
like it's right anyway because hey, it's what they do, it's what everyone expects
them to do, and it's how they get paid.
I agree 100% (refer to point
at beginning)
I'd be surprised if Mr. Froomkin didn't have a personal
stake in this.
Alternatively, there is no evidence to support that
he does have a "stake in this". Additionally, it depends on what one considers a
"personal stake",. Believe it or not, there are people in this world who do things
for reasons other than money or personal gain. Granted, the law profession is not
the first place one usually looks to find these qualities.
My point was that even
outside of the active participants in these forums the majority of people have less-than-kind
things to say about ICANN and few who have anything positive to say. These people
do not feel this way for no apparent reason.
Chris Grady