If laPlante and the Afilias management KNOW that "Plankenstein" has deliberately
FAKED 4981 names (10 per cent of the entire Sunrise registrations) then he has no
choice but to DELETE all these names or face the derision of the internet community.And
if he deletes THESE names, then he is able to DELETE other clearly false claims too,
including FALSE CLAIMS submitted for his own Board Members!
What a shambles!
a disgrace!
And HEY! What an insult to the whole of Austria and Switzerland, whose
towns and village names have been "hijacked" - and Afilias do nothing about it.
is an international scandal.
And still...........
........... Afilias do nothing
laPlante just boasts that Austria have gained the second highest number of names
of any country in the world. He points to this as a success!
Of course Austria
have so many names! All but 10% of them are Plankenstein's and even ol' Plankenstein
admits they're false!
Roland even congratulates Speednames for processing the names!
the man bonkers?
Richy Henderson