I plan to submit the following... had to pare it back to "1,000 characters."
Unfortunately, I am having work done on my computer today. If for any reason
the end of the open mike period is approaching and I have not submitted the following
yet... may I ask a favor, that one of you would submit it for me? Thanks.
My data analysis skills are better than my web skills... and I am working from a
new computer at home that is having problems.---------------------------------
Folks at Montevideo,
My study of a random 11,000+ Sunrise registrations estimated
around half were technically inconsistent with TM rules. Manual review gave
plausible ones the benefit of the doubt -- including companies registering variations
on a TM as originally requested by the IPC -- leaving 15-25% as probably bogus.
The percentage is much greater for valuable non-trademarked names.
who registered non-trademarked names in the Land Rush are being cheated out of a
chance at those names and their pre-registration fees. The DomeBase Proposal (see
DomeBase.com) would correct this to the benefit of ICANN, Afilias, legitimate trademark
holders, registrars, and LandRush pre-registrants. Without correction, future
Sunrise periods may be in doubt. Afilias' current course of action leaves
LandRush pre-registrants, and registrars as well, twisting in the wind. Please
adopt the DomeBase Proposal. Thank you.
Sincerely, Bob Connor