I agree with all you say.Country domains would probably go to ministry of mis-information.
having a country gTLD domain does not stop the country one little bit - somebody
please explain how it does.
The countries have MILLIONS of ccTLD domains.
could use America.us if they wanted SLD.
I cannot believe the stupidity of authorities
- there is something wrong.
There is corruption in what they do.
It is pathetic
- Can you all not see?
If you are not allowed to use country for title of your
domain - you muffle citizens who might wish to complain about that country.
would somebody wish to do that? - You say.
Apart from having crap government -
some countries kill and torture their people you know.
The same as stopping people
with trademark domain (when solution available) - you abridge their free speech rights.
you deny people the right to bring out books about a country?
You have to look
at the situation logically.