People may think they are just being watched on the Internet.It is not - it is
EVERYTHING - Internet - bank transactions - phone - fax - mobile - everything.
is the same as having somebody watching everything you do.
All your finances available
for them to scrutinize - heaven help you if you cannot account for every penny when
they check on your taxes.
They could do this real-time.
All your personal emotions
in private emails, your fears about health worries and your personal quirks in web-sites
you visit.
They have software that can do this analysis for them.
All your inner-most
secrets will be open to them.
But, they will say - you've nothing to fear - if
you are not breaking the law.
Here in the UK:
Roadside digital cameras
will soon be able to keep a permanent record of all your journeys, (times, varying
speed and route) throughout the rest of your life.
It can even tell the driver
- 84 bytes of data is all that is needed for unique point to point profile of your
Believe the figure was 84 bytes or thereabouts - with near instantanious
search of millions of records.
Along with in-town pedestrian cameras - it will
be handy for the police, to look back on historical records of your movements during
a crime.
This information will cost couple of pennies (per person) a year to keep
- searchable by all fields - car - passenger - driver - time - speed - location -
But, they will say - you've nothing to fear - if you are not breaking the
The "you've nothing to fear - if you are not breaking the law." argument
is made to pressure people to acquiesce - else appear guilty.
It does not address
the real reason, why they want this information - they want a surveillance society.
is too valuable for them not to use.
Do you not think all this is an invasion of
your basic human rights to privacy?