This is from, the single biggest general cheat during the sunrise.
This registrar encouraged its registrants to cheat by email and by phone and apparently,
as evidenced by the similarity of the tm numbers, actually facilitated the cheating.
Now, in this time of utter despair, they use this time to put the attention on the
tragedy in their name when their actions have been a kind of consumer terrorism.
Disgusting: As a US based business, this small band of employees that
call ourselves SpyProductions extend our most sincere condolences to any person that
may have lost a loved one today. We cannot begin to put into words how badly today
has affected us. When we saw those buildings tumble, we saw bodies and souls
loose their life. I personally saw how unfair life is. Americans
are hated for having what other countries wish for. Not just freedom but prosperity
and peace. We don't know these people, and yet they hate us. To what end does
this evil serve? The answer will always be, that their hate serves nothing.
What does this killing serve? This killing does not provide them with freedom.
Americans work as hard as any other person on this planet; we are merely fortunate
enough to be born in a country that provides freedom to be anything we desire. From
religious beliefs to culture and class, we are free to be anything. For this
we are hated. I do hope that among our world clientele that the American
perspective is understood. We don't hate the world, and our government position may
not reflect the sentiment of the people in the end. I would fight for my freedom
after seeing what has taken place today. I would fight for the poor innocent
man and woman that went to work today only to have their life snuffed out for NO
reason. When America changes because of today’s airplane bombing, I hope the
world understands why. I speak for everyone in this small company when
I say we honestly felt our guts torn out when we saw so many lives taken as the World
Trade Center towers came down. We grieve for you, the family member that has
lost someone today. We know you are out there, and we honestly feel your pain today.
How tragic it must have been for some poor man to come down 90 floors to still not
make it out alive as the building and thousands of others came down on top of him.
Myself and others here truly wish somehow his suffering was swift.
Again our most heartfelt condolences to anyone that is family or friend to these
victims of unfair fate. is willing to sponsor any web
site that promotes in assistance to these victims in families. You can reach me in
regards to this at Sincerely Lars Hindsley
| President SpyProductions
I agree with the sentiment, but the messenger is corrupt.
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