Thanks IA for the relay of RegTech's advice to you.Seems to me that while there
was obligation on RegTech to advise its customers whether Afilias had provided registrars
with directions to preserve Landrush applications for apparently fraudulently registered
Sunrise names - if RegTech had been advised, one would assume, given the impact upon
its customers's money spent on preregistrations and their hopes for a chance at what
they thought they were buying - a chance in a straight lottery, then I suspect that
RegTech would have shared this information. As it did not, then we have to
assume that Afilias's earlier statement about their considering a Landrush 2 was
crap - tru to their policy that Landrush customers can FOAD.
Afilias and ICANN
and a number of registrars seem to want to do everything they can to alienate their
customer base and undermine their customers's trust and confidence.
It seems that
at every opportunity, Afilias and ICANN and a number of registrars have behaved as
though they have never heard of best practice and the longterm benefits of being
truly business professionals.
It's time, if not overdue, for the appropriate US
government department's intervention into this shambles and remove the influence
of those in positions of authority within ICANN. At the same time, suspension
of Afilias's authority to manage the .info extension should occur with the postponement
of the Landrush until that time when the reasonable expectations of the Landrush
customers can be met.
It gives me no solace to know that the roles of the major
players will one day be public knowledge, and if there is any justice, none will
be permitted to be involved or connected with anything to do with the Internet.
We can assume that those who orchestrated the fiasco of the Afilias .info rollout
have other business interests, but none with the same capacity to cheat honest folk.