Dear Bob, I am hoping that I have misinterpreted your last mail, as it has
me feeling that you have decided to walk away from the fight we are engaged in. If
I am wrong, then that's OK, I am used to making a fool of myself.We can't afford
to lose your knowledge and experience and your usual moderate ways.
So you vented
- hells bells mate - you are a passionate man - this is a forum for passionate
people fighting for an equitable and achievable solution for a sorry and preventable
So you vented - in the face of the unprincipled tricks of Afilias, the
three monkeys act of an apparently equally unprincipled ICANN, the hyenas amongst
the registrars and our quota of loons who visit the forum to post "ha ha has" and
"I told you sos". Is it any wonder you vented - what we have had to take would
test the patience of a saint - which you are not.
Buddy, we can't afford to lose
your talent - after all you are the only one from the forum I am aware of whose suggestions
are circulated around ICANN gauging by the GA mails I have read.
I hope that if
you have decided to leave, then the desire to try to right a litany of wrongs will
bring you back.
Best regards
(If you don't return soon, I will begin to make
a pest of myself.)