Play UK is part of the UKTV group.It was UK Play - UKTV have several channels:
UK followed by name - UK Play, UK Drama, UK Gold, UK Gold 2, UK Style, and UK Horizons.
had used for UK Play - then changed corporate image for just this channel
when they liked Play UK better.
UKTV attempted to reverse hijack domain
from the legal owner (my friends son) - they covetted his domain.
He registered
it a year before they changed name.
He picked it because (as you know) both 'play'
and 'UK' are common words - many businesses use them separately and in conjunction.
They are very common generic words ‘Play’, which is anything recreational and ‘UK’,
which could be for anything in the United Kingdom.
From the facts of the original
solicitors letter - I basically proved UKTV admitted copying his domain name for
their trademark.
I wrote email to UKTV solicitor on owners behalf - pointing out
all the facts of the case.
They could not argue with these facts.
Many UK businesses
use in preference to show location - as a matter of pride.
e.g. the BBC are
using instead of their (which believe they paid 200,000 UKP)
UK are using - what losers.