Seems to me that the delays announced have nothing to do with the events of Tuesday,
rather, Afilias is giving its registrars more time to hit everyone's credit cards
before the crooked lottery starts.So much for the assurances that our credit cards
would only be debited in the event of a successful registration. How many of
us entered into preregistration agreements with particular registrars at a particular
time, because of such assurances?
What would a lawyer say about such important
changes to the agreement between a customer and a trader, or a whole class of traders
and a whole class of customers? You can bet there is fine print there somewhere
that says the registrar can change the terms of the agreement at any time without
forewarning to the customer.
For reasons like this we have to continue to fight
to make public the events of the Afilias .info rollout and make public the names
of the ICANN and Afilias execs who must take responsibility for orchestrating the
Until the current culture which pervades ICANN and Afilias is replaced
with one with a customer service focus, Afilias and its registrars web sites should
display a prominent customer advisory or consumer warning. In the mean time,
the honest amongst the Afilias registrars should not have concerns - other than guilt
by association.
I would like to think that the single queue advice is because of
the number of application cancellations which have occurred because of the predations
on our credit cards.