Thanks for an excellent postJust about sums it up
The case of Lorenz is a classic
guy is either a nutter or he's setting up Hal Lubsen
He files almost 100 names
with ... no, not false information... but with NO information... no Trademark, no
number, just the word NONE
You can almost see Hal Lubsen swimming into the trap,
when he sees such a tempting (valuable) bait...
Then what does Hal do?
His registrar
company Domainbank takes the money for the whole lot and submits them...
THEN what
does Hal do?
His registry Afilias accepts the "NONE" names and registers them for
old Lorenz.
Lorenz then writes and says "Thank you very much but as they're ineligible
I don't want them"
THEN what does Hal do?
In his capacities as registrar and
registry he does...
Will not delete them
Keeps the money
his honest customers from getting names they have probably paid to pre-register
witless or brilliant Lorenz (take your pick) has single-handedly shown up the Afilias
and registrar procedures for what Boardmember Connelly calls an "abomination"
Lorenz has perpetrated one of the most anarchic and subversive acts of shambolic
chaos and registrar humiliation in the history of the Internet