of the applicants who sought names fraudulently registered in Sunrise? Before
Sunrise, you could have been mistaken for thinking that Landrush applicants/customers
were important people, given the effort to have us purchase preregistrations.
once the scale of the ICANN and Afilias orchestrated Sunrise cybersquatting became
apparent, neither can bring themselves to even say the word "Landrush".
In fact
we know, ICANN can't bring itself to say a single word - "good boy, such a clever
watchgood", and Afilias - well, we have the PR speak of RLP which has given
none of us with pre-Sunrise Landrush preregistrations any joy.
What we seem to
be heading for is no solution - a Landrush with the Afilias .info registry in tatters
- and possibly more than 10,000 Landrush names unavailable because of Afilias breaches
to its ICANN-NSI Registry Agreement - failing to administer its RLAs, namely; "Requiring
registrars to obtain accurate registration information from all domain name registrants"
(E5.1 of the Afilias's proposal and undertaking to ICANN in regard to the .info registry)
- without public confirmation that our Landrush tickets are still valid for a Landrush
2, or that we will get refunds, because the prizes for which we bought tickets have
been withdrawn, due to the action and inaction of of Afilias and ICANN.
If the
principals of Afilias and ICANN are to salvage anything by way of personal and corporate
reputations from the abomination of the .info rollout, it will rest upon a public
announcement prior to the Landrush lottery draw that the Landrush applicants and
their preregistrations have not been forgotten, and that Afilias has plans in place
for a responsible and equitable solution for the thousands of Landrush applicants.
are many elements of the Afilias .info rollout that can not now be changed, and for
which the principals of Afilias and ICANN will be held responsible, but there is
time for an announcement that may go some way to ameliorating the .info fiasco for
the Landrushers and begin the rebuilding of Afilias and ICANN credibility.
If the
principals of Afilias and ICANN continue their silence on the matter of pre-Sunrise
Landrush applicants and the money they spent on preregistrations, then heaven won't
help them when they are held accountable for the avoidable costs of the maladministration
of the DNS authority and the .info registry launch.
Heaven help the Landrushers.