Your post is appreciated Mate - just half an hour into the Monday AM and I was heading
to bed - a bit sad, increasingly cynical, and very tired. But you have put
the smile back on my face.I don't believe for a minute that Slicer got it right.
think that if Afilias does not soon announce an alternative to dumping the pre-Sunrise
Lanrushers, then they have sealed their fate. The whole ball game becomes a lot more
serious if there is an effective purging of the old Landrush applications - it goes
way beyond simple incompetence.
I know the likes of you and Richy and me didn't
give our consent to Afilias to stuff us around and rip us off - so we should continue
to tell them we don't like it and do the only thing we can until we are satisfied
- and that's keep posting and mailing anyone we think may listen so the public's
awareness is raised and the principals are brought to account.
To do nothing or
give up the fight is the same as saying that it's OK for authorities like Afilias
and ICANN to behave the way they have during the .info abomination.
Unlucky for
the boys and girls at Afilias and ICANN, it's spring school break here so there won't
be much to keep me from my keyboard.
Good night my friend - very best wishes.