If for instance you are cooking up a .info Sunrise phase fraudulent registration,
you will require only three ingredients. You don't need to have any previous
experience at fraud - anyone can do it, it's easy with .info - but you will need
a valid credit card with lots of available funds.1) An individual with the intention
to defraud: When cooking a .info Sunrise fraudulent domain name registration
you will also need two accomplices in addition to the individual with the intention
to defraud.
2) A registrar prepared to be an accomplice to fraud: When cooking
a fraudulent .info domain name registration, an individual with the intention to
defraud will first need the assistance of a registrar to assist him/her to convert
a fraudulent domain name registration application into a fraudulent domain name registration
order. Once this is achieved when cooking a fraudulent .info domain name registration,
the hard work has been done, as all registrars prepared to be an accomplice to the
fraud know which registry to approach to complete the fraud.
3)A registry prapared
to be an accomplice to fraud: At this point the registry, whether you have permitted
a registrar to falsify your trademark details for you, thought up you own which may
have been as simple as 12345, or left the trademark details spaces completely blank,
the accomplice registry will dutyfully and without question convert the registrar's
fraudulent domain name registration order into a fraudulent domain name registration.
can get any easier than that. Can it!!!
You can get some really good names
using this method - and it never fails if you find a registrar who is prepared to
be an accomplice. WARNING - it has come to my attention that some registrars
have been spoil sports - motivated by bubbleheaded notions of fairness and responsibility
- but these are few and far between, so don't sweat, chances are you will find an
accomplice straight off.
You should be aware that cooking up a .info fraudulent
domain name registration does have its costs and risks.
First up you have to part
with five years rego - but this is a small price when you think of the value of owning
all of Austria or the Hawaiian islands. Hardly worth a minutes hesitation,
is it.
Second, there is the matter of the Landrush applicants who over a period
of many months may have been investing large sums of money in Landrush preregistrations,
with the expectation that as the generics can't be trademarked, they would be available
in the Landrush lottery.
Third and last is the matter of credibility and responsibility.
Both will be victims when you cook up a fraudulent .info Sunrise domain name registration
with your registrar and the registry.
If .info fraud proves really popular and
the registry did nothing to stop a flood of fraudulent registrations, then the credibility
of the registry and with it the credibility of the .info extension would be trashed.
the DNS regulatory authority was seen to do nothing, then it too could be claimed
to be an accomplice through its inaction - through failure to exercise its responsibility
to all Internet users, and its credibility too would be trashed.
So, all in all,
this looks to be a fail safe recipe, all the risks seem to be someone elses - and
hells bells - its worked over 10,000 times!
Heaven help the Landrushers - as ICANN
and Afilias are looking like accomplices to fraud!