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Username: antipodes
Date/Time: Fri, September 28, 2001 at 1:49 AM GMT
Browser: Netscape Communicator V4.74 using Windows 98
Subject: integrity?


I will beg to differ with the opinion of M. Palage.

This is not the sort of "business" - referred to by Untouchable in his/her post that appeared here again yesterday thanks to DameBase - that the honest Sunrisers and Landrushes wanted to be involved in.

The business world of Untouchable is one of "do unto others before they do it to you" assuming that all others are cheats and where there is no one to police non-existant rules which protect the small against the big, the outsiders against the insiders and those who may be honest from those who aren't.

I think every Sunrise and Landrush applicant could reasonably have expected Afilias to be the policeman, given what was at stake, the first new extension available in years - and the new business opportunities they represent, and the considerable investments of the customers purchasing preregistrations.

M.Palage says that “We’re identifying what works, what doesn’t work..", well Michael, I don't know where you have been all your life, but where I come from, as reliably as night follows day and gravity sucks, if you advertise you have something of value but have no security system - then you are gonna get robbed!  Hal Lubsen's security firm could have told you that.  I am surprised he didn't wise you up!

Unfortunately - the greatest incidence of cybersquatting  - what - 10,000 cases or more - are down to M.Palage and the other directors of Afilias and their close buddies in ICANN - but the greatest costs are being borne by your new customers, customers who won't quickly forget what Afilias has given them for their investment and trusted Afilias  to be up to the task.

M.Palage is quoted as saying that .."we’re going to sit there and make sure that the integrity of the process is upheld.”

Which sort of integrity would that be?

the sort of integrity that has an Afilias director cybersquatting?

the sort of integrity that has several Afilias approved registrars cybersquatting?

the sort of integrity that has registrars taking preregistration fees for names they themselves will take through cybersquatting in contravention of their RLA?

the sort of integrity that has an Afilias registrar being a provocateur for would be Sunrise cheats?

the sort of integrity that results in the new Afilias .info registry having no integrity, for as much as 25% of Sunrise registrations may be fraudulent?

the sort of integrity that may result in Afilias effectively purging the thousands of Landrush preregistrations for names fraudulently taken in Sunrise, rather than purging the frauds and honouring the preregistrations of the Landrushers?

the sort of integrity that has the Afilias VP Marketing describe the Sunrise phase as successful?

the sort of integrity that mutes the registry - "Where the world goes for information"?

the sort of integrity that drives out the likes of Afilias director Bob Connelly who called the .info Sunrise an abomination?

I am afraid Landrushers and Sunrise applicants alike - we were naive.

We expected professionalism, we expected integrity, we expected responsibility and accountability - where apparently there is none!

PS - I wish all Landrushers good luck in the lottery for the names that are left - and still hope that the money we spent may return us something in a Landrush II.



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