Dan - they had plans. IMO criminal plans.Like I said earlier, nobody could blunder
into the most profitable way - to make the most profit.
Think about it - no validation
would enable them to accept all applications.
Dual launch (of Sunrise and Landrush)
will enable them to accept all applications of domains sold in Sunrise for Landrush.
If I wanted to defraud everybody - that is exactly how I would go about it. ***
can easily get away with it. Just a charge for lack of due care and attention - or
some-such tap on back of hand.
No prison.
I would not wish to punish landrush
registrants at all.
>have names not taken in sunrise that they're waiting on
Like .biz case - those not taken twice could have them.
The damage is done
now - but:
Those taken more than twice (upto hundreds for one) - would you prefer
it to go first come, first served?
The lottery method is just squeezing you dry
- perhaps with no chance at all, of getting it. Like I say - domain may have gone
in Sunrise.