for abuses of registry/registrar reserved names (e.g. Hawaii, Nudes, Search [trademarked
by someone else]) for encouragement of fraud (one particular registrar who sent
e-mails) However, it is apparent that there is a huge gap between what should be
and what is... COmplaints and e-mails seem to make little difference. Classic
case of unregulated monopoly/oligopoly with little concern for customers and even
pockets of abusive/dishonest behavior. When I started this, I knew nothing
about ICANN and all this stuff. Now I see what ICANN watchers have been sayhing
about the authority of a quasi-governmental agency without the accountability.
This whole business is like a public utility with monopoly power that abuses customers
without accountability. Interestingly, they even abuse the honest registrars.
All the registrars had to sign confidentiality agreements, but I bet if you were
to contact them today, you would find huge levels of frustration among most of them
as well. If this were my full-time job, I would try to tap into the
frustration of key constituencies that Afilias does care about to push for action.