Landrush is done, it is all ready, they are stalling
for another reason altogether.Think about it, for Afilias to make what amounts
to their first published commitment (i.e. a definite ultimatum) I'm absolutely sure
they have it in hand already.
Why they will release the information on Monday could
be for any number of reasons:
1. Data massaging (profiling, retribution, demographics,
registrar-pleasing etc. etc.).
2. Timing for marketing purposes (Mr. LaPlante
has his release about the launch all polished and ready).
3. As "Antipodes" observently
noticed, they are calling it "Start-up" and no more mentioning "Landrush" anywhere!!
All the more reason to believe they want a single event mentioned in the media with
all the positive spin it will entail..
Monday it is (notice though that true to
form in absence of a set time, Monday spans from Sunday all the way to Tuesday morning,
classic Afilias)