This is a copy of a mailing sent today to Afilias CEO, Hal Lubsen, Vint Cerf, and
my Irish/US attorneys:"Mr Lubsen
On 23rd June, your company DomainBank charged
me for a pre-registration for the Landrush period for, then submitted
the name for another customer in the Sunrise period, thereby defrauding me and rendering
my investment valueless by your company's actions.
Furthermore, the application
you submitted for the second applicant two months later was a visually fraudulent
application, in breach of Afilias and ICANN rules, as it had: Country "NONE" Trademark
"NONE" Trademark Number "NONE"
Further to that, as CEO of Afilias, I hold you individually,
and your company corporately, to be responsible for the submission and registration
of a fraudulent claim, in breach of Afilias and ICANN contracts and rules.
still, I hold you responsible for my loss, in that while you had contractual powers
which permitted you to delete this fraudulent registration, and you were indeed requested
to do so by the fraudulent applicant himself, you failed to take this reasonable
action which would have protected my interests as your customer.
Furthermore I
cite 90 other cases of fraud brought about for the same customer through the submissions
of your company DomainBank and the registrations of your company Afilias, for which
I also seek to find you liable and responsible, following the precedent of my own
case, in support of further complainants.
Before I take legal action against your
company, I am giving you 3 days to respond, to explain your actions, and to tell
me what you propose to do to compensate me.
I also intend to publish this e-mail
widely in case you decide NOT to respond.
I take the view that your company has
consciously defrauded me and have failed to take reasonable action to protect my
interests. You have sold me a product, and then sold the product again to another
This is not acceptable business practice.
Richard Henderson"