The September 12 "registration" date makes perfect sense:1. Some registrars
submitted their initial data to Afilias as early as September 12. That was
because, as originally anticipated, landrush queues would be run before the 19th
and there it made sense, to some registrars, to simply send to Afilias what they
had when they had it.
2. With this in mind, you next have to understand
how the queues get "built." It is not simply a matter of a "queue" that the
registrar builds and then sends. Rather, the queue in fact gets built AT AFILIAS,
with data submitted to it by the registrar.
3. The September 12 date is obviously
a time-stamped date upon which Afilias RECEIVED the original data for a particular
registrar's queue. (Not also that the registrar could continue building its
queue at Afilias through the 18th, notwithstanding that it had sent some data earlier.)
in all, therefore, the fact that some registrations show as effective 9/12 makes
perfect sense to me. That simply is the date that these particularly entries were
received at (and therefore time-stamped by) Afilias. It has nothing to do when
actual landrush processing occurred.