OK, now that the new names seem to be up, I can check
my own score.Early in the process, I submitted landrush applications for five
names. Three of them were taken by apparently-fraudulent trademarks in the
sunrise, leaving two active applications. Subsequently, between the sunrise
and landrush phases, I applied for four more names that weren't taken in the sunrise
period, raising my active application count to six.
The score now: I got
two of the names, others got four of the names, and one still shows as unregistered
to anybody. The latter has me confused; did the registrar fail to submit one
of my applications (and if that was the case, maybe it failed to submit some of the
others too, so I didn't even get a fair chance against the other applicants?), or
are there still some landrush queue names yet to be processed?
Well, anyway, I
didn't sink a heap of money into this; I pretty much just did it for fun, with some
vague plans of what I might do with the names, but nothing I'm seriously depending
All but one of my applications were submitted to only one registrar; one of
the names was submitted to two different registrars, and that was one of the two
I won (in that case, it was the application with the different registrar from the
others that won). The other name I won was with the registrar that I submitted
all the other applications to, so they didn't lose *all* of my applications.