I did extremely well under the circumstances.
My particular business revolves around local tourism, and the area I live in is tourist
town USA....So it was every man for himself, and I think I came out ahead!I got
to hand it to Richard...If it weren't for theinternetchallenge.com I think I would
have been totally screwed...I think the guys I was in competition with would have
tried to register late in the Sunrise thinking it would be better to chance it, then
to risk not getting the key names...however Richard's site stopped them as they figured
it wasn't worth it, as I would have reported them. I know that as fact...He
stopped them cold!
Thank you Mr. Hensley, you don't know what you've done for me
and my family. I don't think I can ever repay you....I hope 'thank you' will
be enough.
Gregory Krajewski