All you have to do is call your credit card issuer and ask for a refund for the transaction...if
the transaction(s) occurred more than four months ago, you may have a problem getting
a charge-back issued, but it's still worth a try.Keep in mind that credit card
issuers typically will charge-back internet related transactions with little or no
question UNLESS they merchant has a WRITTEN, SIGNED RECEIPT...the typical internet
merchant for all practical purposes has no recourse...especially in regards to service
oriented transactions (ie. .INFO pre-registrations) in which there is no physical
In regards to are some: "the service wasn't performed
properly", "the service was fradulent", "I never ordered that", "I don't know what
that charge is for?" --- this last one is interesting in that at that point it's
up to the merchant to explain what the charge is for...a big company, etc may not
respond in time to the credit card issuer's inquiry and/or the issurer may just do
a charge-back anyways.
Charge-backs are expensive for merchants...they lose the
money for the sale and get fined too - and they can even lose their ability to accept
credit assert your rights!!