The following is an e-mail I just got from DomainBank.
If this is a bit of self-motivated good behavior by a registrar, then it should be
applauded. If it is in response to Richy's efforts, then it is not as virtuous
as if it were self-motivated, but still good. I do not want to be a grumbler...
always complaining and not complementing good behavior. What do you folks think
of this?-------------------------------------------------
Dear Sir or Ma'am:
you for submitting your request for registration of the domain name(s) listed below.
Unfortunately, the domain name(s) you requested were already registered during the
.INFO Sunrise Period, and was therefore not available for registration during the
Start-Up Period. Accordingly, we will be issuing you a refund for the amount of any
fee you may have been charged Bank during the submission process. Please watch your
credit card statement in the next few weeks to confirm such refund.
Note that _only_ submission fees collected for Start-Up Period domain requests
that were already taken in the Sunrise Period are subject to a refund. If you have
any questions, please contact us at Thank you for using Domain
Thank you,
Domain Bank, Inc. Customer Support