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Username: Lottery Winner
Date/Time: Thu, October 4, 2001 at 2:16 AM GMT
Browser: Netscape Communicator V4.5 using Windows 98
Subject: Good Ideas - .info seems promising


I also like the .info and I registered thousands of dollars worth. .biz does suck. and have not spent more than a few dollars here.

I am not sure that most people will be as quick to adopt .info as I have been. I pay closer attention to these things and most people do not.

As for the search engines, I am not sure that they will be buying the domains. One reason is that once they ask to buy, the owners are going to see stars and quote millions. Second, once they adopt the business model of using the .info domains it will be difficult to get all of the sets that they need to create comprehensive groups of .info names.

Most big companies seem to be blind to ground up opportunities, they seem more concerned with protecting and promoting what they already have.

My first thought is that these .info domains, if they are to make money will have to rely on advertising dollars or affiliate type programs. Except for a few select generic domains I think that it will be difficult to operate a profitable business. The traffic that most of these domain will get will be so small that they will only be able to sell advertsing to small clients, which will take time and money to maintain and will not produce enough dollars to justify an actual business on any scale ( probably less than it costs to host. )

As for creating a network, I think that there could be some power there, but this will create more administration and cost and probably not much more revenue.

I think that this expansion of the TLD could play into the hands of the search engines. The new TLDs will damage the ability of persons to use the mental indexing aspect of the DNS and as a result they will have to turn to the search engines.

The trademark holders and those paying the highest bid to the serach engines ( distribution channel ) will capture the traffic and make money.

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