- .info Sunrise lottery- the ignominious launch
with the winners being the cybersquatters - who only got to buy lottery tickets because
most registrars and the registry chose to look the other way while pocketing the
fees. Sunrise extended for "technical" reasons and no attempt to stop cybersquatting.
Cybersquatted names resolved. Afilias announces the rollout a success.
Cybersquatters include too many registrars. Greedy or incompetent Afilias?
- .info Landrush lottery - the lottery you have when you are not having a lottery
- 10,000 of the first prizes withdrawn due to the lottery promoter's failure to provide
security against Sunrise theft - results announced late and everyone finds
their registrations are already a few weeks old. Refunds or Landrush 11 - who
knows - the registry won't say. Afilias announces that the rollout is a success.
Greedy or incompetent Afilias?
- .info Real Time registration - a misnomer like
Phases 1 and 2. Registry goes into "maintenance" mode and customers are again subjected
to a lottery as they wait for their registrars to receive advice from Afilias that
they can again submit cueued applications for registration. Afilias announces
that rollout is a success. Incompetent Afilias!