Hal Lubsen, Afilias' CEO, said, "It is unfortunate that some individuals have misused
the Sunrise period in an attempt to abuse the process. However, Afilias is committed
to doing its part"And yet...
On 23rd June, Hal Lubsen's company DomainBank charged
me for a pre-registration for the Landrush period for Uganda.info, then submitted
false details for another customer in the Sunrise period, thereby in my opinion defrauding
me and rendering my investment valueless through his company's actions.
the application he submitted for the second applicant two months later was a visually
fraudulent application, in breach of Afilias and ICANN rules, as it had: Country
"NONE" Trademark "NONE" Trademark Number "NONE"
Further to that, as CEO of
Afilias, as well as DomainBank, I feel he must take some responsibility for the submission
and registration of a fraudulent claim, in breach of Afilias and ICANN contracts
and rules.
Furthermore still, I feel he deserves to take responsibility,
in that while he had contractual powers which permitted him to delete this fraudulent
registration, and he was indeed requested to do so by the fraudulent applicant himself,
he failed to take this reasonable action which would have protected my interests
as his customer.
Furthermore I cite 90 other cases of fraud brought about
for the same customer through the submissions of his company DomainBank and the registrations
of his company Afilias.
So when I hear these words: ...
Hal Lubsen, Afilias'
CEO, said, "It is unfortunate that some individuals have misused the Sunrise period
in an attempt to abuse the process. However, Afilias is committed to doing its part"
...I do not feel entirely reassured
They say they will challenge all these
Why submit around 100 "NONE" data applications from William Lorenz in the
first place???
This is completely dumb! This is Alice in Wonderland stuff!
- no - I forgot... DomainBank charged Lorenz $16380 for helping his "NONE" names
go through completely ineligibly...
at least SOMEONE gained out of it