A few people on here have said that they have spoke to Afilias and that representatives
have told them that there will be a second land rush for successfully challenged
names. However at this point this is still just conjecture - there's zip .info from
Afilias' press releases. This from a company that is trying to position itself as
the place 'where the world turns for information'?!!!! Oh the irony ...In Public
Relations 101 we learned that often the worst thing a company can do is not communicate
with its audience. As a publicly-sanctioned body (in principal, through ICANN), Afilias
has a significant obligation to give the public timely and factual information. By
drip-feeding us with self-aggrandizing marketing PR, they only alienate their end
users: us.
Afilias should spent more time putting out relevant information, than
making their website look pretty (actually I prefered the previous no-nonsense design,