It looks like most registrars are not going to keep records
of our pre-registrations for Landrush 2, some are refunding and others are just keeping
the money.I suggest all Landrushers keep a record of the names they pre-registered
and with which registrars, then when Afilias publishes its Landrush II list we can
go back to these registrars with clear evidence that the pre-registered names we
paid for were taken by Fraudsters.
These registrars are then morally if
not legally obliged to return our money for these names, or put them into Landrush
II for free. The main reson for this is that most, if not all, adverstised
the fact the system was FAIR and EVERYONE had an EQUAL chance of getting a PREMIUM
generic name. It may not be their fault that the system was hijacked by Sunrise
fraudsters but they did take money from customers for services that they failed to
deliver, namely a chance to get a good generic name.
Afilias has failed to treat
Landrush customers with any respect, in fact they've even kept their own registrars
in the dark. I therefore urge all ethical Afilias registars who accepted fees
for names that were stolen at Sunrise to put their customers first and give refunds,
or include the names in Landrush II for free when the list is published.