I think you confuse inventory-in-demand with inventory
of little or no value. As a demonstration of this, what has evolved is a secondary
.com market where viable second level registrations sell for 10 times their price
of registration even though there is this yet-to-be-registered supply that can be
obtained for as little as $8.95. Any new entrant must look to the aftermarket
if they desire to just now create a marketable online presence in .com.New TLD
entrants should be allowed to price their offering consistent with market place variables,
of which this is but one example. Price gouging practices will be penalized
by the market place, just like any other competitive industry sector. But there
is cetainly room between the $6 cap that was applied in the first round application
process and what is being obtained within the aftermarket. Sound TLD business
plans that serve market needs and produce profitability objectives offer innovation
to the sector over the longer term. The last I checked, the TLD space was 'for-profit'
thus requiring business practices that are consistent with this objective.
would like to see the status quo, including inflated pricing within the secondary
.com market, to remain. I am not one of them. It stunts growth and innovation.
Price-capping practices at the registry level will only allow this to remain - which
I happen to believe we are already seeing signs of.