To expand on that point somewhat. Not only is .web a wonderful alternative
to .com, perhaps more importantly, Image Online Design is a wonderful alternative
to the recent corporate ignorance we have seen run rampant with .info and .biz.To
summarize where we are now: ICANN chose possibly the worst seven TLD's from
a host of much better alternatives, and then assigned the best two of the seven to
some weird, ill-concieved corporate entities that apparantly have absolutely no clue
of the concepts surrounding a viable registry. I would love to be a fly on
the wall in the corrupt back rooms of ICANN, when they are trying to figure out some
excuse for not approving IOD's .web application again.
I know. IOD is an
acronym, and any company that goes by an acronym is bound to have problems.
That is the excuse they could use! Sound silly to you? You should read
ICANN's response to IOD's .web application during the first round. ICANN's
excuses weren't any better then.
S. Hudgens