"... republics can abuse political and economic minorities too you know : just ask
the Tibetans about the Chinese republic."Communist 'Republics' are not Republics.
A republic is restricted by its constitution from abusing minorities.
"I think
most Internet users would prefer a system where even those who they opposed, still
had the right to an internet presence."
Oh? That's why most people want to
criminalize the burning of their country's flag. There goes free speech!
do not like the idea of ICANN being answerable solely to American interests. Why
should that be so? We have Swiss, Australian, Scottish, German, French, Indian contributors
to this very forum."
ICANN could be held responsible to the CCTLD administrators,
which would be responsible to their countries' governments.
"Well let's see if
we can put power in the hands of the ordinary internet users."
And ruin the internet.
Thanks a lot. Democracy = mobocracy [as in lynchings and riots, and laws against
Republics [true republics, not pseudo-republics that dictators declare]
protect dissent.