Afilias are just causing so many people so much trouble - by refusing to delete fake
registrations right away... like Plankenstein at Tiscover... like Lorenz... like
Afilias Board member Govinda Leopold'sI receive e-mails from all over the world
at my site, and one today from Greece is typical:
"Dear Richard,
I am sending
a fax and registered letter to Afilias asking them to commit
in writing (within
7 days) to challenge (within 2 months from today) 9
domain names that we have
submitted but did not get them because of Tiscover.
I will keep you posted if you
are interested on the outcome.
After having asked Tiscover if they had a trademark,
they offer to sell us
those domains for an excessive price if we had the trademark
... otherwise
they would rent them ...
Best regards and keep the good work
up, it is nice to know somebody cares. Aristides"
People are just
being put to SO much inconvenience.
Afilias set up a crummy system.
let people break their own rules without stopping them.
Afilias cheated themselves.
refused to adopt the Domebase solution which would have sorted everything out.
refuse to delete obviously false names straight away...
The list goes on.
should honest citizens, like this Greek gentleman, trying to run an honest business,
be put to SO much trouble and inconvenience, all because of this company Afilias
who won't act, who won't communicate, who won't apologise?
And remember: Board
Members of Afilias made over $500,000 from cheating their own system, submitting
over 50% of the fake applications through their own registrar companies.
And they
could delete these names (and Govinda's) NOW
...but they refuse to, so ordinary
hard-working people like this correspondent from Greece get messed up instead