From another mailing to Mr Evans on 6th August: During our February
8th hearing, the Subcommittee Members and witnesses stated that the current TLD selection
process was in need of revision. We believe that the process should be based on established
objective criteria and be carried out in a transparent process with clear accountability
and processes for redress. These factors should be taken into account as ICANN moves
forward with the selection of new TLDs. We ask that the Department of Commerce continue
to closely monitor this process. The Committee on Energy and Commerce, for its part,
expects to hold more hearings throughout this Congress to monitor ICANN’s progress.
would appreciate periodic updates. Please contact any or all of us, or have your
staff contact Kelly Zerzan, Majority Counsel at (202) 226-2424, Will Nordwind, Subcommittee
Counsel at (202) 225-2927, Brendan Kelsay, Minority Professional Staff at (202) 226-3400,
or Colin Crowell, Legislative Assistant for Rep. Markey at (202) 225-2836, should
you have any questions or concerns. We look forward to hearing from you further on
this important issue.
W.J. "Billy" Tauzin,Chairman,Committee
on Energy and Commerce
John D. Dingell,Ranking Member,Committee on Energy
and Commerce
Fred Upton,Chairman,Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet
Edward J. Markey,Ranking Member,Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet