It's funny to see all of you IOD and .WEB supporters
suddenly come out of the woodworks like a long lost cult looking for its moment in
the sun.Unfortunately, you add nothing of value to this forum except mindless
waste and "we told you so" sob tales.
Just face it, .WEB is gone, another useless
extension relegated to the garbage bin of history and I don't mean the fact that
ICANN never picked it up rather the fact that it is absolutely meaningless.
might have worked if it was released around the same time that .COM came about. Back
then world-wide-web was a new concept and people were just getting into the lingo.
Today it's absolutely meaningless as an extension. It conveys nothing and adds absolutely
no value to the usability logic. Like .NET and .TV, it is just waste of space that
should slowly fizzle away and disappear.
On the other hand it is a great extension
for fleecing new-comers to the name space and making good money for registries, registrars
and the likes. As for the secondary market, these names will be absolutely worthless.
your boiler-room tactics elsewhere, you guys need to find a forum that caters to
retirees and house wives.